Food Friday: Yellow Peas with Bacon, Pork Loin and Sausages

The Bishop Hill (Illinois) Heritage Cookbook ((c) 1982/seventh printing 1995) is everything you could want in a community cookbook. There is an introduction to food in the Bishop Hill Colony. This introduction/history includes when foods were introduced to their area, what people ate and what the typical day's menu was like in the 19th century.

Recipes in the cookbook include everything from the past to the modern. Names and some affiliations accompany recipes. Some of my favorites include the name of an exchange student and when he was living in the community. The cookbook ends with recipes from local establishments and foods served during events.

The Bishop Hill Heritage Cookbook is so much more than a cookbook, it's really a study of the community's food history.


  1. I just discovered your blog doing the RootsMagic treasure hunt and I absolutely love it! I've always been interested in the social history aspect of genealogy--how did people live, what did they do, what did their houses look like, what did they eat, what was happening at the time, etc. So food and other things have always been a part of it.
    I've actually been to Bishop Hill several times since I'm half Swedish and my father grew up in Illinois not far from Bishop Hill. Loved seeing the recipe and reference to the cookbook. I've signed up for an email subscription.

  2. Thanks Heather! I totally agree with you. I think genealogy is all about the social history and bringing our ancestor's stories to life. What better way to do that than food?

    Please let me know if there are any names you want me to look up in the Bishop Hill Cookbook.



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